Acquired Rapture :: album

Photo shoot!

Trying a different background...

Seph: Look towards the light please.

Razkil: There's a bird outside.
Seph: Oh, your hand... T_T

Razkil: It's just a mark.
Seph: You aren't supposed to be marked in any way! T_T

Razkil: You can't really see it.
Seph: Yes, I can! And even if I can't in pictures, I know it's there! T_T

Razkil: Don't be so upset. We'll take more pictures today.

He's a pretty forgiving person, isn't he? T_T
We had two more sessions later, but one of my favourite pics is still the one below.

I present to you: _The_ hand. ^_~

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Razkil and Khairi belong to SephXIII.
All content, unless otherwise stated, is © Copyright 2003 E.N.O.