Acquired Rapture :: album


It was a boring afternoon so we were fixing a puzzle.

Seph: Told you guys this puzzle was hard. -_-

Razkil: But you said the more brains the better.

Seph: Well, I'd been hoping it'd be better. -_-

Silren: Maybe you should exchange that piece in the corner with another one...
Razkil: Which one?

Errand: I don't think we're any closer to solving this...

Ferrahn: Let's do something else already!
Seph: Like what? =P

Errand: I don't want to do whatever he wants to do. =P
Ferrahn: Did anyone ask you?
Seph: Oh hey, you know, I was just telling my friends that Silren and Ferrahn are different.

Errand: Of course they're different! Silren is a lot nicer than Ferrahn is!

Ferrahn: That's because I'm only nice to those worth my time. *purrs*
Seph: *ouch* Er.. I don't mean personality differences.
Ferrahn: I know!

Ferrahn: I'm sexier! *purrs louder*
Seph: Not that either! =P

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